The Southwest Idaho Operators Section (SWIOS) of the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA) would like to invite you and your company to join our section and become involved in the sharing of Water and Wastewater ideas and innovations. Our section covers Ada, Adams, Boise, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, Payette, Valley, and Washington counties in the State of Idaho.
Some of our activities include:
Providing workshops and training opportunities for SWIOS members. We coordinate one-day up to three day workshops at an affordable cost to Operators and other interested professionals throughout the year.
Annually, we hold a Member Appreciation Year End Banquet to thank our members and sponsors for their participation in SWIOS. We rotate through locations and provide an affordable luncheon to honor some of the outstanding Operators and Treatment Plants within our section, as well as hold elections for the SWIOS Board of Directors.
We provide a local network for Water and Wastewater professionals by sharing your contact information to various plants, operators, engineering firms, and equipment representatives throughout the state via our website.
To allow us to meet these goals, we use profits from our memberships but also ask for donations from companies like yours and invite you become a PNCWA SWIOS Sponsor.
You can provide a sponsorship of any monetary amount. Your logo, with your website link, will be on the Home page of the SWIOS website and you will be attending our Year End Banquet.
We hope we can count on you as one of our SWIOS supporters.
Become a Sponsor!
Become a Sponsor!
You can provide a sponsorship of any monetary amount. Your logo, with your website link, will be on the Home page of the SWIOS website and you will be attending our Year End Banquet.